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Audio Writer

Voice-to-text app, transforming thoughts into structured, diverse content


Early bird $$$

$15 $39 / lifetime
You save $24

Ever grappled with fleeting thoughts and struggled to jot them down? Enter Audio Writer.

The Issue:

The human mind is a reservoir of unstructured, spontaneous ideas that often slip away before they can be penned down.

Our Solution:

Simply voice out your thoughts, and watch as Audio Writer turns them into coherent, structured writing. But that's not all. Shape these thoughts into content fit for any format you desire.


  • Brainstorming on the Move: Got an idea while commuting or during a shower? No worries! Audio Writer ensures your brilliant notions don't fade away but instead get structured coherently.

  • Journaling: Chronicle the tales of your life, both professional and personal. Let Audio Writer save you time by seamlessly transcribing your memories and experiences.

  • Content Creation: Whether it's a tweet, an essay, or an entire blog post, Audio Writer accelerates your content creation journey.

Features & Capabilities:

  • Crisp Transcripts: Banish the "ums" and "ahs". Receive clear transcripts enhanced with apt grammar and punctuation.

  • Versatile Rewriting: Choose to rephrase in varied styles and tones. Want to mimic a famous author? Or use custom prompts for distinct content? It's all possible.

  • Presets - Default & Custom: Pick from our myriad of pre-defined presets or design your own to rework your transcripts.

  • Speak Your Heart, In Any Language: With support for over 15 languages, Audio Writer embraces linguistic diversity. Speak in one language, and get the transcript in another if you choose.

  • Diverse Content Formats: Craft emails, draft social media posts for platforms like Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, list out action items, or even draft an entire blog. Audio Writer molds your voice into the format you envision.

Discover the magic of your thoughts seamlessly transforming into words.

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