IIRC: If I Recall Correctly
Help you remember what you read online
Ever found yourself in a chat with friends discussing a topic you vaguely remember? Introducing iirc, short for "If I Recall Correctly." Harness the power of AI to boost your memory retention through a simple, step-by-step process.
Here's how it works:
Share & Open: Simply share the website from your browser and tap to open iirc, kicking off your recall journey.
50% Recall Boost: Read a quick summary and challenge yourself with a brief quiz. Self-testing is key to enhancing your memory.
75% Mastery: Play it back and follow along. Everyone absorbs information differently—listening in addition to reading can make a significant difference.
90% Mnemonics Magic: Dive into mnemonics, a memory aid technique that leverages word association and visualization to reinforce your memory.
95% Personal Touch: Create and receive ratings on your own summary. It's not just about remembering; it's about understanding and retaining.