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Capture clean, customizable website screenshots via API

Introducing ScreenshotOne, the next-gen tool that magically transforms websites, HTML, and Markdown into crystal-clear screenshots. No more ads, cookie banners, or unnecessary clutter. Just pure, clean visuals.

Key Features:

  • High-Quality Renders: From regular images to PDFs, capture content in its best form.

  • Ads? Not Here: Say goodbye to pesky ads and disruptive banners.

  • Ultimate Customization: Dark mode, custom JS/CSS, element selectors - tailor your screenshots just the way you want.

  • Pixel-Perfect Quality: Screenshots that dazzle! Perfect for Apple's Retina Display or any screen size you desire.

  • Full-Page Captures: Don't miss a thing. Lazy-loaded images and off-screen content? We've got it covered.

Ease of Integration:

  • Super straightforward API. Just send an HTTP request and you're good to go.

  • Got a preferred programming language? We likely have a native library for it.


"Great support." - Guillaume Barillot, CTO at Deepidoo

"ScreenshotOne is the way to go." - Lukas Hermann, Co-Founder of stagetimer

"An outstanding platform." - Beto Vides, CEO at Lab #1001

Whether you're a developer, designer, or just someone who appreciates clean captures, ScreenshotOne is your go-to tool.

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