The content promotion tool that helps time-strapped content marketers reach and engage significantly more of their target audience.
"No-one is reading our content!”
Sound familiar?
If so, you’re not alone.
90.63% of all pages get zero traffic from Google (Ahrefs) and 94% of blog content gets no backlinks (Backlinko). Makes for grim reading, right?
Look, we all know the competition for attention is fierce, and organic reach is diminishing.
Couple that with the fact that the battle to justify your content marketing activity, prove ROI and validate your strategy is constant, and you've got a problem that compounds and compounds.
We also know that many content marketers are expected to do a lot at work, and are often too busy to promote their content as often as is needed to earn visibility and improve results.
Well, this is exactly why we created Converge - to take the task of promoting content off your hands and ensure it gets done every day on your behalf, leading to content that actually gets seen and therefore has a much, much better chance at having the impact you want it to.
If you'd like to give Converge a try for 30 days and see what impact it can have on your content, click the link to find out more and sign up. No credit card required.