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Find all the best places to promote your B2B product

Congratulations on building your B2B product! We know the hard work it took to get here. Now comes the crucial part: distribution. Understanding your audience is one thing, but reaching them effectively is another.

Introducing HelloAudience, a directory that showcases the best places to connect with your target B2B buyers. Simply enter an audience (e.g., Software Developers) or a topic (e.g., SaaS), and we provide you with top newsletters, podcasts, communities, and websites to reach them, including sponsorship costs.

For each channel, we display audience demographics, reach, engagement metrics, and upfront sponsorship costs, making budgeting and planning straightforward. You can also see which companies have previously sponsored each channel and what other channels those brands have sponsored, offering insights into competitors' marketing strategies and identifying new sponsorship opportunities.

Stop wasting time researching marketing channels for your niche—we've already done the work for you.

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