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API-first data and content management platform

Set your content and data free with IncludeCore, powering your anything-anywhere applications 🌍

IncludeCore stands as the next-generation content and data platform designed to drive your websites and applications. Best of all, IncludeCore is crafted for simplicity and speed: API-first and 100% no-code. Fully hosted, with nothing to install—ready in minutes.

How it works:

IncludeCore empowers you to define data structures and pages effortlessly through a no-code interface, automatically generating REST APIs and user-friendly control panels for both you and your customers. As a result, websites and applications can seamlessly retrieve content and data by directly calling our APIs. These APIs are accessible from any backend, thanks to our support for secret key-protected endpoints.

To connect your data and content with the world, we support webhooks. Users can easily link to Zapier or any other platform with webhook integrations. Furthermore, they can connect to custom backend systems or any other system supporting webhooks—all achieved within minutes, without the need for a single line of code.

Getting started

Key use cases 

  • Headless CMS for websites and applications

  • Backend for data collection and management


  • Media and file management

  • Back-office admin panels 

  • No-code data structures configuration

  • 3rd party integrations via webhooks

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