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Competitor monitoring for SaaS product teams


Maker Special

$9 $14 / monthly
You save $5

Ready to become a more strategic Product Manager?

Stay informed, anticipate your competitor’s moves, and turn into the go-to expert for market insights at your company.

Core Features

🚀 Comprehensive Competitor Monitoring: Add your competitors effortlessly and automatically pull key information like company size from LinkedIn. It's your automated competitor database, always up-to-date.

📧 Stay Informed with Newsletters: Set up custom inboxes for each competitor and receive their newsletters directly in the activity stream. Never miss out on important updates from your industry peers.

🖥️ Competitor websites and blogs, tracked. Monitor key competitor website pages with automated screenshots, and read their blog articles.

📈 Activity Feed: Everything is consolidated into an activity feed for easy review. Get a strategic view of the market.

🔄 Sync to Notion for Collaboration: Sync your competitor database to a Notion database, creating dedicated pages for each competitor. Collaborate with your team, add labels, and customize information to stay organized.

Focus on your users, let us handle the competitor monitoring, and go crafting exceptional products!

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