Brings advanced new browser capabilities to web applications. Enables distributed applications, interactive and composable APIs.
The Web platform was initially conceived as a content platform, not an application platform, and as a result there are gaps between what web applications need and what the web platform offers.
Isn’t JavaScript enough for bridging that gap? In a word: no. The current Web platform is particularly lacking when it comes to application integration, where there is a big need for improvement especially for business and enterprise applications, but also for consumer applications.
What is Qworum?
Qworum is a Frontend-PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) for web applications:
Qworum brings a new browser runtime that complements JavaScript, enabling distributed web applications and interactive web APIs.
API platform — Application integrations are 10x easier with Qworum than with other web API technologies.
Application platform — Compose applications on top of internal services and external services such as SaaS.