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Micro-startup acquisition marketplace is a marketplace to acquire the best micro-startups without commission.

Benefits for sellers:

  • Zero Commission. We know how tough it is for founders to sell the project, and we think it's better to let micro-startup owners keep the full amount of each sale. It's free to submit a project, and there is no limit to the number of projects you can offer.

  • Verified Buyer Requests. Connect with hundreds of buyers through our marketplace. The last thing you want is to shut down your side project. That's where Microns comes in. We have a bunch of qualified buyers ready to connect with you.

  • Community. Become one of the developers, designers, and marketers selling their side projects on Microns. We support each other during launches, provide feedback sessions and celebrate successful deals. Besides this, we'll help you find your next idea our buyers are willing to buy.

Microns makes it fast and easy for you to sell your startup for free. Sell your startup →

Benefits for buyers:

  • Deal flow. We’ll review and send you profitable and vetted startups straight to your inbox every week.

  • Metrics and contact details. We’ll connect you with sellers directly without any intermediaries. You’ll be able to check revenue and traffic metrics to value startup properly.

  • Post-sale support. To provide you with the best experience and get ROI faster, you are guaranteed to get 30 days of post-sale support from our sellers. This will ensure you don’t miss anything to continue operating the new project successfully.

Join hundreds of entrepreneurs and investors buying high-quality startups.

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