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Traffic filtering and analytics made easy

Protect your website from bots, competitors, and unwanted traffic while gaining valuable insights about your visitors with Moonito. This powerful tool offers comprehensive features to ensure your website's security and performance.

Key Features:

  • Website Traffic Filtering and Analytics: Gain detailed insights and control over your website traffic.

  • Live Visitor Feed: Monitor visitor activities in real-time.

  • Website Monitoring: Keep an eye on your website's health and performance.

Advanced Features:

  • Device Whitelisting: Enables precise control over website visitor access. Tailor your analytics by allowing specific devices, ensuring a focused and secure tracking of user interactions.

  • Country-Specific Access: Customize visitor access by allowing specific countries, enhancing control for a targeted and geographically relevant online experience.

  • Block VPN/Proxy/Tor: Preventing access from anonymizing services. Enhance visitor logs with accurate data, ensuring a more reliable and secure tracking of user interactions on your platform.

  • Block Bad IPs: Preventing access from undesirable IP addresses. Enhance data accuracy and protect your platform from malicious activity, ensuring a more reliable and secure user experience.

  • Block Non-ISP IPs: Enhances visitor tracking by restricting access to non-ISP IPs. Improve data accuracy and security, ensuring that your website logs reflect meaningful interactions from genuine users.

  • Block Satellite ISPs: Prevent access from Internet Service Providers that use satellite connections. Identifying the country of origin for users on satellite ISPs can be challenging. Consider blocking satellite ISPs, especially those serving high-risk countries.

  • Block Spiders/Crawlers: Preventing unwanted bots, ensuring accurate website visitors, optimizes data reliability and security, allowing you to focus on meaningful analytics for your platform.

  • Block Bad Referrers: Enhance data accuracy and security by preventing unwanted sources, ensuring reliable and meaningful website visitors.

  • DNS Based Blocking: We can check the origin of user IP addresses by conducting a reverse DNS lookup. Then, we'll compare this information with lists of proxy servers and hosting companies.

  • Block Bot IPs: With this feature, you can selectively block bot IPs, ensuring precise analytics and enhancing security for a more reliable user experience.

  • Block Bot Hostnames: This feature allows you to proactively block bot hostnames, ensuring accurate and reliable visitor data for improved analytics and security.

  • Request Header Analysis: This feature examines the request headers sent by users and restricts access if an unauthorized or invalid header is identified.

  • Search Engine Control: This feature empowers website administrators to manage their site's visibility on search engines for SEO and indexing.

  • Web Application Firewall: Protect against web-based attacks and improve the security of your web-based applications. Our firewall can help your website protect against Common Web Attack (SQLi, XSS, SSRF, .etc), CVE attacks, and Directory Bruteforce.

  • Security Level Control: Enables customizable security settings for web applications through detection function tuning, tailoring sensitivity to your specific needs.

  • AI Powered: Utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and identify patterns and behaviors associated with bots, enabling the detection of similar traits in real-time visitors.

  • Behavior Analysis: Examining user behavior, including navigation, page dwell time, and click patterns, to pinpoint and flag unusual or non-human-like activity.

  • Rate Limiting: Enforcing rate limiting measures to thwart bots attempting abnormal or excessively frequent access or page reloads.

Moonito ensures robust website security and provides actionable analytics, making it a must-have for any website owner.

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