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Notion template that solves problems of project management, instead of looking beautiful.

Never rebuild project management in your Notion again

A Notion template that actually solves painful problems of project management in Notion instead of looking beautiful.

Solve your most painful problems with one powerful template

If one of these problems resonates with you, Nora is for you:


Sprint Tracking & Estimate

Track timeline of sprints & tasks without thinking about how long each task takes.

Infinite Sub-issues

Break any tasks into sub-tasks in 1-click to ship faster, don’t ever get stuck again.

What-to-do Suggestions

Suggest what to do based on your energy level, what you feel like working.

Estimate & Progress

See estimate & progress at all levels: projects, sprints, tasks & sub-tasks. Never lose sight of your project again.

Smart Outdated Tasks

Smart auto-outdated tasks, never avoid looking at your backlog again.

Never rebuild your project management again today!

Save hundreds of hours caused by losing track of your projects and rebuilding the system to manage them from scratch

Click here for DEMO

Note: some functionality, like adding your projects, doesn't work in the demo version.

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