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Fast, simple, and smart solution to office document templating


Intro Offer

$48 $96 / annual
You save $48

Combine data, documents, images, and AI with intuitive document templates. Tendocs is designed to work with native Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files, allowing you to use your existing Office documents without needing add-ins, macros, or specialized training.

Key features:

  • Intuitive templates: Convert your existing Office documents into templates directly within Word using our easy-to-learn {{token}} system.

  • Integration with Microsoft Power Platform: Build our capabilities into your Power Apps and Power Automate Flows with full Low Code integration.

  • 1,000's of integrations: Seamlessly connect to a wide range of tools and services for comprehensive document automation.

  • Advanced capabilities: Utilize our REST API for complex scenarios, ideal for accelerating development teams.

  • Native Office and PDF formats: Output documents in their original Office formats or as PDFs without needing additional services.

  • AI-enabled: Leverage the latest AI models for advanced document automation, including summary, comparison, and tone analysis.

Tendocs offers flexible pricing that grows with your needs. Start without any commitment and pay only for what you use.

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