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Give products feedback and get rewarded

Are you a digital product creator seeking valuable insights to drive your idea forward? Or a keen-eyed digital enthusiast ready to offer insights for your next favorite tool? Welcome to YesRamen - the bridge between makers and valuable feedback givers.


  • Feed of Products Awaiting Feedback: Discover a myriad of digital products, from Tatask's nestable task management system to Intentio's distraction-free browsing extension. Each product awaits your insights.

  • Reward System: Makers offer rewards to motivate and thank users for their contributions. The more you contribute, the more rewards you collect.

  • Effortless Feedback Loop: Makers list their products (be it a prototype, MVP, or more), and YesRamen facilitates the feedback process. It's a win-win for everyone.

  • Leaderboards & Recognition: Celebrate top feedback givers like GaĆ«l, Kavita, and Agustin. Be a part of the community, earn your spot, and get recognized for your insights.

How It Works:

  1. Makers upload their digital product, detailing their feedback needs.

  2. YesRamen connects them with potential users and expert feedback givers.

  3. Users delve into the product and offer comprehensive and beneficial feedback.

  4. Makers reward the best feedback, and products get better with each insight.

Why YesRamen:

  • For Makers: Navigate the tricky waters of feedback acquisition - no more irrelevant or biased comments.

  • For Users: Give feedback, get rewards, and maybe find your new favorite tool.

  • For Everyone: Collaborate, innovate, and iterate in a community-driven space.

Fun Fact:

The name "YesRamen" pays homage to the 'ramen profitability' phase for startups, highlighting the significance of early feedback in ensuring the success and sustainability of a venture.

Whether you're looking to validate your next big idea or scout the next big thing in the digital sphere, YesRamen is the place to be.

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