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Ship your SaaS Super Fast

BoilerCode is a catalog of SaaS boilerplates to help you ship your next product super fast.

Currently, BoilerCode has Boilerplates for NextJs SaaS, React, and Chrome Extension.

Some of the features that BoilerCode gives you out of the box are

  1. User Auth: BoilerCode provides user authentication using NextAuth also you can flexibility to add any OAuth as you want.

  2. Database Integration: Boilerplates has support for Prisma integration for Database support. You can switch between NoSQL such as MongoDB and Postgres easily.

  3. Landing Page: BoilerCode has a bunch of components and comes with a prebuilt ready-to-go Landing page so you can focus on your business logic instead of juggling between landing page designs. And Yes, it has Dark Mode support.

  4. Email Integration: Prebuilt support for SMTP email functionality. You have the flexibility to use any SMTP email provider you want. It is just a config values change away.

  5. Stripe Checkout & Webhook: You don’t need to worry about Stripe payments and Webhook integration. It is all done by a JSON config file. You only need to add to pricing JSON and your payment section will get populated automatically.

  6. LemonSqueezy Payments: Yes, It comes with LemonSqueezy integration for Checkout, Webhook, and Subscriptions (Including PayPal support). BoilerCode also comes with License key validation and activation code in case you want your users to enter their License Key.

  7. Tailwind CSS: Comes with Tailwind CSS and with a bunch of components.

  8. Customer Support (Crisp): BoilerCode has easy integration with Crisp Chat, You just need to add your API Key and that’s it.

  9. Custom SEO Configurations: Customise the SEO as you want to increase your search results in the search engines.

  10. Custom Blog Integration: This is the most appreciated feature of BoilerCode. NextJs boilerplate comes with Custom blog support. You just need to add your markdown file and your blog will be up and running in no time.

  11. AI Integrations: BoilerCode NextJs comes with Langchain, Pinecone, and OpenAI Support. You just need to change the API key in the config.

  12. Config First: BoilerCode is a highly customized Boilerplate that focuses on the config first approach. You can customize almost everything just by changing the configs.

With BoilerCode, You can launch your product in days instead of weeks.

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