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Low-code visual backend builder with AI

BuildShip is a lowcode visual backend builder that lets you ship APIs, scheduled jobs, backend cloud functions instantly. Powered by AI, create your own workflow nodes, connect to any tool, database (Firebase, Postgres, Supabase etc) and create scalable backend for your apps.

Here's what BuildShip offers:

  • Generative Business Intelligence: BuildShip is a platform where users can connect pre-built nodes or generate their own using AI. This functionality is particularly useful for those who need quick integrations without coding.

  • AI Model Integration: The platform supports integration with various AI models and tools from providers like OpenAI, Stable Diffusion, HuggingFace, and Google Vertex AI. This allows for multimodal flows with language models, image, and video generation.

  • Templates for Quick Start: BuildShip offers a range of templates for complex use cases, using popular AI tools. These templates include applications for text detection in images, Stripe checkout completion, HTML to PDF conversion, vector database search, music generation, and even a WhatsApp ChatGPT bot.

  • Friction-Free Serverless APIs: The platform enables rapid cloud deployment of scripts right from the browser, with no code needed. This feature is essential for scalability without unexpected costs.

  • Built-in Database and Cloud Storage: It comes with a ready-to-use Firestore database and offers unlimited cloud storage for files, assets, and images.

  • Secret Manager and Scheduled Jobs: BuildShip includes a secret manager for secure API key storage and functionality for scheduling tasks.

  • Advanced Dev Tools and NPM Package Integration: The platform provides advanced development tools, including a code editor with autocomplete, a debugger, and a secure sandbox environment. It also supports over 1 million NPM packages.

  • JS/TS Compatibility: Unlike many no-code tools, BuildShip allows development in JavaScript/TypeScript, offering extensive reference materials for these languages.

  • Testimonials: The platform has received positive feedback from various professionals, including a NoCode Educator, CEOs, a Head of Design, and a Product Designer. They highlight BuildShip's ease of use, its powerful and scalable nature, and its revolutionary approach to app development.

In summary, BuildShip is a comprehensive tool for building backends quickly and efficiently, with a focus on integrating AI models and APIs. It's suitable for anyone looking to add AI functionality to their workflows, from beginners to experienced developers.

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