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Private Equity List

Private equity and venture capital database with contacts

Private Equity List is a fast and easy-to-use platform to identify relevant private equity, venture capital and angel investors for any project, startup or a mature company.

Today, on the platform you can search among 6000 PE/VC funds and 23000 investor contacts: It’s easy to use and has a focus on the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Asia and other less popular investment regions.

There are 7 types of filters: fund country, industry and region focus, equality/minority support, stage of investment, investment ticket and investor type.

Apart from more classic PE/VC funding, there are many alternative financing options: accelerators and incubators, venture debt, SME financing, crowdfunding/crowdlending, revenue-based financing, SBA loans and ABL. PE/VC is not always the best option:

Although many popular funds from the US and Europe are on the platform, Private Equity List tries to focus on small/mid-cap funds, which gives startups more chances to get less competition, get seen and ultimately receive the investment

We also put high attention to PE/VC in growing market segments such as AI, EdTech, blockchain, etc.

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