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Rapid indexing for websites

The One-Stop Solution for Efficient Web Page Indexing. We help webmasters and SEO specialists index large sites on autopilot. Set it up once and we will automatically send all new pages of your sites for indexing.

IndexWiz is an SEO tool designed to facilitate the efficient indexing of web pages for websites with a high volume of content.

Here are its key features and functionalities:

  1. Bulk and Fast Indexing: The service allows for the submission of up to 2000 pages for indexing in a single click, which is faster than traditional search engine webmaster tools​​.

  2. Auto Indexing: After setting up a website on IndexWiz, the service automatically sends new pages for indexing. This process is designed to be quick and efficient​​.

  3. Instant Indexing: It offers the capability to instantly send pages for indexing or re-indexing, particularly useful for pages with updated content​​.

  4. Support for Multiple Search Engines: Currently in development, IndexWiz plans to support several search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yandex, making it versatile for different web ecosystems​​.

  5. Bulk Review Meta Tags: Another upcoming feature is the ability to review titles, descriptions, and other crucial SEO data before sending pages for indexing, offering quick insights for improved SEO​​.

  6. Target Audience: IndexWiz is particularly suitable for large websites with many pages. This includes niche sites, programmatic sites, e-commerce platforms, directories, and AI-generated blogs, all of which benefit from efficient and quick indexing​​​​.

  7. Methodology and Effectiveness: IndexWiz uses legally compliant tools and APIs provided by search engines to inform them about new pages. The service gathers necessary data from Google Search Console and the internet, then sends information about unindexed and new pages to search engines for faster indexing. While indexing of pages isn't guaranteed, about 85–90% of submitted pages are successfully indexed and remain so for a long time​​.

In summary, IndexWiz streamlines the indexing process for websites with extensive content, offering a range of tools and features to enhance the visibility and presence of web pages in search engine results.

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