Capture your notes instantly and send to your second brain apps instantly.
SupaSend is your go to "note-to-self" app to capture & send your ideas, notes or thoughts to your second brain apps seamlessly.

What is it?
Our brain's purpose is to learn, improve, & make progress. We consume a lot of content, but our thoughts often get fuzzy & we forget them. Our brain isn't meant to store every detail. Today, we use many tools to organize our lives, like note-taking & voice recording apps. But switching between them is a mindf*ck chore just to capture a simple idea.
Imagine capturing it instantly & sending it seamlessly, thats where SupaSend app comes in. With over a dozen apps in second brain to choose from, you can use SupaSend as a note-to-self app to capture and send anywhere you want in just two taps. It is that easy.

Second brain apps
SupaSend supports more than dozen favorite email clients & apps of yours.
Send to any App
Send to any App via Email
Send to any Email
Send to anywhere via Web-hook URL