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Auto URL indexing tool for Google SEO


Growth 30% OFF

$168 $240 / annual
You save $72

Ninja 30% OFF

$546 $780 / annual
You save $234

Hello everyone!

I'm Daniel Peris, inveterate entrepreneur and person who "does things", and since 2007 I build, grow and sell (or try to hehe) digital businesses. SEO has ALWAYS been a relevant traffic and customer/business acquisition channel for me. I've built websites with millions of visits per month and I've had websites of all kinds: blogs, automatic websites (programmatic SEO), service companies... In addition to that, I've worked as a consultant in organic SEO growth in countless projects in the strategic, technical, On-Page and Off-Page (Link Building).

At the beginning of 2022 I started building a fast and automatic website URL indexing tool with a partner. For various reasons, we had to put this project on hold. Until 2 months ago I got together with Ricki Pons (an epic developer) and we decided to get down to work and set up INDEXED. (Fun fact: I know Ricki thanks to #BuildInPublic on Twitter).

What is INDEXED SEO tool? πŸ€”

INDEXED is an SEO tool that acts as a "Keeper" of the URL indexing of websites, so that users can completely forget about it. The tool is designed for websites of any type, of any size (volume of URLs) and technology; it works with any CMS and, of course, with your own developments. INDEXING has been built by people of the SEO industry who do SEO everyday.

Features + Benefits

  • Hyper fast + Automatic URL Indexing

  • Website URL indexing keeper

  • Deindexing tool

Important: The fact that a URL is indexed in Google is NOT the only thing necessary (far from it) to rank and get organic SEO traffic. But it is, without a doubt, something FUNDAMENTAL.


How does the INDEXED tool work? πŸ› οΈ

Our SEO tool works with the official Google Indexing API, with the Google Search Console API, our own scraper and our brains 🧠

You can start using INDEXED with 3 clicks.

Why do I need an indexing tool? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Easy. Sometimes, depending on the project / website, things related to URL indexing (and / or deindexing) for SEO can be quite a headache. And that’s why INDEXED, the SEO tool for indexing URLs on Google that saves you all the headaches, has been born.

Our tool automatically checks which URLs on your website are indexed, or not. In case some pages are not indexed and should be, INDEXED will take care of getting them indexed at lightning speed. All without you having to do anything at all. Just sit and see URLs get indexed!

What about the roadmap? πŸš€

We have a very ambitious roadmap at all levels and we will be telling and sharing everything, in the purest #BuildInPublic style. We want INDEXED to become a super powerful SEO tool.

What do users think about INDEXED? Are they happy?

Absolutely 😊! You can take a look at our testimonials page.

Start using today! πŸ’ͺ

PS: Feedback and / or asking for cool features is always super welcome.

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