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Build your next AI startup 100x faster with StartKit.AI boilerplate code

StartKit.AI is a boilerplate designed to accelerate AI project development.

Our platform provides pre-built REST API routes for essential AI tasks such as chat, images, long-form text, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, translations, and moderation. It also includes advanced integrations like RAG, web crawling, vector embeddings, and more.

We offer user management and API limit management features, along with comprehensive documentation for all the provided code.

Customers gain access to the full StartKit.AI GitHub repository upon purchase, enabling them to download, customize, and receive updates on the complete code base.

Our code base includes six demo apps that demonstrate how to create various tools, including a ChatGPT clone, PDF analysis tool, and blog post creator, providing an ideal starting point for building your own applications.

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